Starting from a compilation of real or invented stories and memories, Ximena paints sensitive and energetic scenes in which the characters look defiantly into the eyes of the viewer. Some characters cry, others enjoy life fearlessly; and most of them fight for the protagonist role that has historically been denied to them. In an exercise as self-exploratory as it is pictorial, Ximena mixes self-fiction, visceral sincerity and the exaggerated dramaturgy of telenovelas to capture scenes on the canvas. She chooses vibrant colors that reaffirm her own existence, colors reminiscent of the chaos, contrasts and the innocence with which we sometimes encounter life.
With a dramatic and humorous language, Ximena raises simple and honest questions that try to humanize social mistakes and sorrows. Her figurative but non-realistic way of painting raises questions about inequalities, intercultural challenges and subjective wellbeing in a vulnerable and serious way. She attempts to reconcile herself in a somewhat shameless way with class institutions and power relations permeated by colonialism and its most profound wounds. Depicting scenes that transcend the Latin American space, Ximena addresses universal themes such as conservative families, colonial trauma and intersectional feminism; in this, she presents imperfect and anthropomorphic characters that tell their own micropolitical stories. Lived or yet to be lived, invented or dreamed. Hard, weird and funny.
*1994 in Lima, Peru
Lives and works in Berlin
2022 – 23 M.A. Painting, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Class of Prof. Friederike Feldmann, Berlin (DE)
2016 – 22 B.A. Painting, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Class of Prof. Friederike Feldmann, Berlin (DE)
2020 Fine Arts, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City (MX)
Upcoming: 28.11. Galerie im Tempelhof Museum, Berlin, DE
4.12. STUDIO Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, DE
2024 Und im Radio spielen sie ein Liebeslied, Project space KIMGO, Berlin, DE
Schaltjahr, Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin, DE
2023 Goldrausch 2023 – On the edge of, Galerie Weißer Elefant, Berlin, DE
Subtropical Affairs, Golestani Galerie, Dusseldorf (solo), DE
Masterclass Prize 2023 (nominees exhibition), Ketterer Kunst, Cologne, DE
Masterclass Prize 2023, Ketterer Kunst, Munich, DE
Ortstermin, Hotel Hansablick, Berlin, DE
Tumult, Alte Münze, Berlin, DE
Fading into Eigengrau, KINDL Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, DE
Reshading Ping Pong, 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin, DE
Quicky, Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin, DE
Reelism, Roam Space, Berlin, DE
2022 OverseasSurgeriesPreparedSomewhat III, Les Moulins du Paillard, Loir en Vallée, FR
Zapzarap, Am Flutgraben, Berlin, DE
Yet Yet, Kühlhaus, Berlin, DE
Inventur, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin, DE
Opening Hours, Treptower Ateliers e.V., Berlin, DE
Raum Räumlichkeit, Display window exhibition, Berlin, DE
Amigas y Rivales, Unter Urban Projektraum, Berlin, DE
2021 OverseasSurgeriesPreparedSomewhat ll, École des Beaux-Arts de Marseille, Marseille, FR
OverseasSurgeriesPreparedSomewhat, Brücke Museum, Berlin, DE
Academy Positions, Positions Art Fair, Berlin, DE
Which Side Up, Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße, Berlin, DE
Passive Aggressive, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin, DE
La Expa, La Movimienta (online), MX
2020 Peruvian Pop up, Kuss kuss Gemeinderaum, Berlin, DE
FFP 2000, Kotti Shop, Berlin, DE
Back and forth/No hugs, Volkspark am Weinberg, Berlin, DE
2018 Student meets art, Art Stalker, Berlin, DE
Gestell, Erratum Gallery, Berlin, DE
2024 Rainer Wild Foundation Art Prize
Elsa Neumann Grant of the state of Berlin
2023 Ketterer Kunst Masterclass Prize (nominated)
Goldrausch Künstlerinnen Projekt
2021 DAAD Stibet Grant
2020 DAAD Promos Scholarship
2023 ‘Where one can eat, two can eat’, Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt catalogue
2022 ‘Micropolitical Telenovelas’, Graduation thesis publication
2021 ‘A Game’, Tarot card edition in collaboration with Sarah Lehnerer
2020 ‘FFP2000’, Together with Ursula Döbereiner and Kottishop
‘A day in the life of a fool’, Podcast at Cashmere Radio
2018 ‘Text’, Artists statements from students of Friederike Feldmann’s class
‘Gestell’, Edition for Erratum Gallery
2017 ‘Shamanic Kit for Dummies’, Zine
Starting from a compilation of real or invented stories and memories, Ximena paints sensitive and energetic scenes in which the characters look defiantly into the eyes of the viewer. Some characters cry, others enjoy life fearlessly; and most of them fight for the protagonist role that has historically been denied to them. In an exercise as self-exploratory as it is pictorial, Ximena mixes self-fiction, visceral sincerity and the exaggerated dramaturgy of telenovelas to capture scenes on the canvas. She chooses vibrant colors that reaffirm her own existence, colors reminiscent of the chaos, contrasts and the innocence with which we sometimes encounter life.
With a dramatic and humorous language, Ximena raises simple and honest questions that try to humanize social mistakes and sorrows. Her figurative but non-realistic way of painting raises questions about inequalities, intercultural challenges and subjective wellbeing in a vulnerable and serious way. She attempts to reconcile herself in a somewhat shameless way with class institutions and power relations permeated by colonialism and its most profound wounds. Depicting scenes that transcend the Latin American space, Ximena addresses universal themes such as conservative families, colonial trauma and intersectional feminism; in this, she presents imperfect and anthropomorphic characters that tell their own micropolitical stories. Lived or yet to be lived, invented or dreamed. Hard, weird and funny.
*1994 in Lima, Peru
Lives and works in Berlin
2022 – 23 M.A. Painting, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin,
Class of Prof. Friederike Feldmann, Berlin (DE)
2016 – 22 B.A. Painting, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin,
Class of Prof. Friederike Feldmann, Berlin (DE)
2020 Fine Arts, Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México, Mexico City (MX)
28.11. – Galerie im Tempelhof Museum, Berlin, DE
4.12. – STUDIO Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, DE
2024 Und im Radio spielen sie ein Liebeslied,
Project space KIMGO, Berlin
Schaltjahr, Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin
2023 Goldrausch 2023 – On the edge of,
Galerie Weißer Elefant, Berlin
Subtropical Affairs, Golestani Galerie, Dusseldorf
Masterclass Prize 2023 (nominees exhibition),
Ketterer Kunst, Cologne
Masterclass Prize 2023, Ketterer Kunst, Munich
Ortstermin, Hotel Hansablick, Berlin
Tumult, Alte Münze, Berlin
Fading into Eigengrau, KINDL
Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin
Reshading Ping Pong, 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin
Quicky, Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin
Reelism, Roam Space, Berlin
2022 OverseasSurgeriesPreparedSomewhat III,
Les Moulins du Paillard, Loir en Vallée
Zapzarap, Am Flutgraben, Berlin
Yet Yet, Kühlhaus, Berlin
Inventur, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin
Opening Hours, Treptower Ateliers e.V., Berlin
Raum Räumlichkeit, Display window exhibition, Berlin
Amigas y Rivales, Unter Urban Projektraum, Berlin
2021 OverseasSurgeriesPreparedSomewhat ll,
École des Beaux-Arts de Marseille, Marseille
Brücke Museum, Berlin
Academy Positions, Positions Art Fair, Berlin
Which Side Up, Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße, Berlin
Passive Aggressive, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin
La Expa, La Movimienta (online)
2020 Peruvian Pop up, Kuss kuss Gemeinderaum, Berlin
FFP 2000, Kotti Shop, Berlin
Back and forth, Volkspark am Weinberg, Berlin
2018 Student meets art, Art Stalker, Berlin
Gestell, Erratum Gallery, Berlin
2024 Rainer Wild Foundation Art Prize
Elsa Neumann Grant of the State of Berlin
2023 Ketterer Kunst Masterclass Prize (nominated)
Goldrausch Künstlerinnen Projekt
2021 DAAD Stibet Grant
2020 DAAD Promos Grant
2023 ‘Where one can eat, two can eat’,
Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt catalogue
2022 ‘Micropolitical Telenovelas’,
Graduation thesis publication
2021 ‘A Game’, Tarot card edition
in collaboration with Sarah Lehnerer
2020 ‘FFP2000’, together with
Ursula Döbereiner and Kottishop
‘A day in the life of a fool’,
Podcast at Cashmere Radio
2018 ‘Text’, Artists statements from students
of Friederike Feldmann’s class
‘Gestell’, Edition for Erratum Gallery
2017 ‘Shamanic Kit for Dummies’, Zine